The Power of a Good Story: Why Journalism Will Thrive

The Power of a Good Story: Why Journalism Will Thrive

Editor’s Note: Today is launch day! Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch shortly after 2pm EDT for a mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. Best place to watch the launch is at

I’ve written several posts on journalism’s future and I’m sure people have lots more to say. The Senate weighed in this week with a three hour hearing on the future of journalism. […]

My Least Favorite Word

I’m a former journalist and I often exasperate my accountant. I ask him question after question regarding taxes (I am convinced I’m being taxed twice. He insists I’m not.) His final response, offered to move the conversation to other topics is usually, “It is what it is.”

I spend much of my time media training. […]

The Future of Journalism, Part II

The Future of Journalism, Part II

A few weeks ago I wrote about the future of journalism and how is providing innovative, interactive coverage of NASA Space Shuttle launches. To me, the future rests in the hands of the journalists and entrepreneurs who will find creative ways to deliver information to diverse audiences. Social media platforms and other new technologies will evolve to give venues to journalists who are now losing their jobs at newspapers and more traditional mediums. […]

Making the case for Corporate Social Media: Control vs. Influence

Making the case for Corporate Social Media: Control vs. Influence

I spent much of this week talking to companies about using social media, particularly in crisis situations. I listened to them as they asked me questions and discussed among their teams the potential risks and rewards of social media. I sensed both salivating optimism at the upside and palpable fear about the downsides. […]